When I was little, I used to make a TON of Expages because they were easy to make and didn't require any expertise in coding. Unfortunately, they were also incredibly basic and only allowed for one clipart image, one bullet image, one line image, and one animated gif image. I was really into adoptable sites and text/image based click through games, and wanted to make some of my own, so the design limitations of Expage made that really difficult. Still, I did the best I could and made some charming little pages. You can click through these links to view the ones I could still find/access. A lot of these pages are linked to each other, which is how I found so many of them. There might be more, who knows. This will serve as a bit of a directory of my collection of pages.
As you might be able to tell, I went by the moniker Kit Jones back then. :'-)

Thanks to the Wayback Machine for making this possible. Apologies if some popups come up. They should be inactive links (from yesteryear), but they are still annoying. I don't think I can do anything about that. If you'd like to open these outside of my frames, just right click and open as a new tab.

screenshot of expage
A screenshot of what the Expages homepage looked like when I was little. You could find people's pages by going to the Expage directory and searching through different categories.

screenshot of pages
Several screenshots of my old Expages.

* http://www.expage.com/kitjones
* http://www.expage.com/butterfly7764
* http://www.expage.com/kitsbackyard
* http://www.expage.com/thejonesforest
* http://www.expage.com/ozandtilly
* http://www.expage.com/kitshouse
* http://www.expage.com/kitscoolwebrings
* http://www.expage.com/myadoptionzpage
* http://www.expage.com/mypagelinkz
* http://www.expage.com/anyaspage
* http://www.expage.com/dogland
* http://www.expage.com/friday13
* http://www.expage.com/catland
* http://www.expage.com/catgirl
* http://www.expage.com/kits
* http://www.expage.com/catskittens
* http://www.expage.com/horseclubs
* http://www.expage.com/myfun
* http://www.expage.com/horseculbs
* http://www.expage.com/petspage
* http://www.expage.com/kitspets

* http://www.expage.com/racespage
(A page I made for my little brother)

I would love to know if you had a Expage, too! Tell me the link to it in the guest book if you did. :-)

~* BRIT *~

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This page was last updated Mon Feb 15 15:12:53 1999 EDT

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